






ボーダレスのこれから PODCASTを聞く

BLJ Footware Managing Director Md. Shorifuzzaman

Deaf can unleash their latent talent

In Bangladesh socially backward people specially deaf are socially deprived like living, getting jobs, social security as they have very little opportunity to move on. BLJ Footwear aims to change the quality of their lives by blooming the latent talent within them and transforming them into real human resources.



  • 23

    I joined at BLJ Bangladesh

    I joined at BLJ as Assistant production Manager, I took the responsibility of Pre-assembling section specially of skiving section to focus on the quality and developing skiiving of the products

  • 24

    I was the responsible as Leather Procurement Manager

    Joining as the manager of leather procurement, perform resposibility to improve the quality of leather and procurement system

  • 28

    I joined with BLJ Footwear as the Production Manager

    I want a society where I will have a contribution for the wellbeing of people. As a part of my will I join blj footwear to work with them directly specially deaf people so that I cann fulfill my desire as well as I can utilize my educational knowledge

  • 30

    I took the responsiblity of BLJ Footear and supporting aproximately 60 people specially deaf to make their live better

わたしの物語 わたしの物語



Bangladesh is a promising country but plagued with many social problems.

Although there are many possibilities, they are not being to reach the desired goal due to various obstacles. It’s population is huge but many of them can not be utilized properly.

Even there is a huge number left who want to get a job to change their live as well as their latent talent to be blossomed that helps the prospectus of Bangladesh but they can not get the proper chance. Specially socially backward people specially who are differently able like speech and hearing impaired persons are lacking behind.

BLJ Bangladesh (Footwear) wants to create a beautiful world with people who want to change their destiny through their efficiency and unleash the latent talent within them. BLJ Bangladesh (Footwear) aims to change the quality of their lives by developing the latent talent within them and transforming them into real human resources. So that they can develop as self-reliant.



The people who joins BLJ Footwear believe that they can make a value through their working and their talent gets recognition while blooming their latent talent. Currently approximately 60 person getting their opportunity to change their lives.



BLJ Bangladesh (Footwear) aims to develop the latent talent and to provide better lives for all the members work in with deaf people in its midst by supplying high quality footwear manufactured with utmost efficiency to the world. Through which all the member want to be a partner of developed Bangladesh with rights and pride, not regret.




Md. Shorifuzzaman

I was born on 1992 and studied about leather including leather manufacturing and leather products from Khulna engineering university (KUET). After graduating from KUET in 2015 I join BLJ which I think is the suitable place for me to work as I always want to contribute to the society from my level. Cuurently I am responsible for the shoe unit of BLJ Bangladesh Corporation Limited.
